001 | Why are They Leaving When They Grow Up?

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For the past decade, Barna and Lifeway research research has shown that 2/3 of kids who attend church regularly end up leaving the church after they graduate high school. In this episode, the guys share their thoughts on the research and what they believe is the key to raising lifelong followers of Christ.

Here are the studies referenced in the beginning of the episode.

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Barna Research: https://www.barna.com/research/resilient-disciples/

Lifeway Research: https://research.lifeway.com/2019/01/15/most-teenagers-drop-out-of-church-as-young-adults/

Cross Formed Kids: https://crossformedkids.com/

Custom Quote for Cross Formed Kids curriculum: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN    

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