023 | How to Share the Gospel with Kids
Everything we do in children's ministry is done to proclaim the gospel and disciple children in its truth. But how? How do we share the gospel message in a way that is faithful, beautiful, and true? In this episode, Hunter and Sam unpack what the gospel is and provide "do's and don'ts" when sharing it with kids. Resources:
- On Fairy-Stories by J.R.R Tolkien
- "I'm a Christian... Now What?" from Lifeway
- How to Share the Gospel with Kids Resources from Awana
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One Fairy-Stories: https://coolcalvary.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/on-fairy-stories1.pdf
"I'm a Christian...Now What?": https://www.lifeway.com/en/product-family/im-a-christian-now.html
How to Share the Gospel with Kids Resources: https://childdiscipleship.com/resource/how-to-share-the-gospel-with-kids/
Cross Formed Kids Catechism: https://crossformedkids.com/
Cross Formed Kids Custom Quote: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN