022 | Catechisms: The Game Changer for Your Children's Ministry
How can we teach our kids biblical truth in a way that is faithful and memorable? In this episode, the guys discuss catechisms and how they can serve as game-changers in your children's ministry. Resources:
- New City Catechism
- First Catechism
- Cornerstones Catechism
- Children's Gospel Catechism
- Truth and Grace Catechism
- Faith Builder Catechism
- Cross Formed Kids Catechism
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New City Catechism: http://newcitycatechism.com/
First Catechism: https://www.gcp.org/ProductDetail.aspx?Item=020030
Cornerstones Catechism: https://www.bhpublishinggroup.com/product/cornerstones-3/
Children's Gospel Catechism: https://www.amazon.com/Childrens-Gospel-Catechism-Jase-Ely/dp/1981466630/ref=sr_1_14?crid=2R8NYK1750YLF&keywords=children%27s+catechism&qid=1662149740&s=books&sprefix=children%27s+catechism%2Cstripbooks%2C98&sr=1-14
Truth and Grace Catechism: https://press.founders.org/shop/truth-and-grace-tag-memory-books-3-book-set/
Faith Builder Catechism: https://newgrowthpress.com/christian-books/family-devotionals/faith-builder-catechism-devotions-to-level-up-your-family-discipleship/
Cross Formed Kids Catechism: https://crossformedkids.com/
Cross Formed Kids Custom Quote: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN