013 | Comparing Children's Ministry Conferences
In this episode, Sam and Hunter evaluate different children's ministry conferences, giving the pros and cons of each one. They also discuss why children's ministry conferences are important and give tips for getting the most out of them.
- Children's Pastors Conference
- D6 Conference
- Child Discipleship Forum
- The Kidzmatter Conference
- Etch NextGen Ministry Conference
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Children's Pastors Conference: https://www.childrenspastorsconference.com/
D6 Conference: https://d6family.com/d6conference/
Child Discipleship Forum: https://childdiscipleship.com/child-discipleship-forum/
The Kidzmatter Conference: https://www.thekidzmatterconference.com/
Etch NextGen Ministry Conference: https://etchconference.lifeway.com/
Cross Formed Kids Custom Quote: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN