010 | The Kidmin Sandbox: Developing and Assessing Your Children’s Ministry Philosophy
In this episode, the guys discuss the need for a well-defined ministry philosophy along with practical steps to develop and assess yours through a unique tool known as the “kidmin sandbox.”
- "The Kidmin Sandbox" by Hunter Williams
- "Children's Ministry in a New Reality" by Barna and Awana
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"The Kidmin Sandbox" https://1230kids.com/leadership/the-kidmin-sandbox-how-to-develop-and-assess-your-ministry-philosophy/
"Children's Ministy in a New Reality" https://www.awana.org/product/childrens-ministry-in-a-new-reality
Cross Formed Kids Custom Quote: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN