027 | How NOT to Burn Bridges in Ministry

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Disagreements happen. There are moments when co-workers or fellow believers need to be confronted, but how do we do this well? How do we foster unity and wisely handle conflict? In this episode, Sam and Hunter provide helpful tips for building bridges in ministry instead of burning them.


Don’t Burn Bridges by Sam Luce Reducing Noise in an Age of Clamor by Hunter Williams

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Don’t Burn Bridges: https://samluce.com/2020/08/dont-burn-bridges/

Reducing Noise in an Age of Clamor: https://www.awanatn.com/post/reducing-the-noise-in-an-age-of-clamor

Cross Formed Kids Custom Quote: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN



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