Our scope and sequence follows the structure of Scripture. By design, CFK does not teach every story of the Bible. Rather, it teaches exactly what kids need to know in order to read fruitfully from every page of Scripture for a lifetime. Each Cycle includes 18 lessons, for a total of 108.
1. Creation Cycle:
The Story of All Things
This cycle zeroes in on Genesis 1-11, showing how and why God created all things and the first humans. It follows their creation, their placement in the Garden, their rebellion, and the aftermath leading to the flood and the covenant with Noah.
Highlights from the Q and A:
- Who is this God?
- What are humans?
- What does it mean to be the Image of God?
- What is sin?
2. Abraham Cycle:
The Story of Faith
This cycle zeroes in on Genesis 12ff, showing how and why God called Abraham. It follows Abraham’s call, God’s promises to Abraham and Sarah, their ups and downs, and the importance of faith.
Highlights from the Q and A:
- Who is Abraham?
- What did God require from Abraham?
- What did God tell Abraham to do?
- Why did God bless Abraham?
3. Israel Cycle:
The Story of God’s People
This cycle zeroes in on the book of Exodus, showing how and why God rescued Israel. It follows their slavery in Egypt, their dramatic rescue, and all the ensuing drama of the nation of Israel. This is the most-referenced story in the Bible, after creation!
Highlights from the Q and A:
- Where was Israel born?
- Why did God listen to Israel’s cries for help?
- How did God make Israel the most special nation in the world?
- How was the hope of Torah Fulfilled?
4. King David Cycle:
The Story of the King
This cycle zeroes in on the story of David, showing how and why God chose him to reign over Israel. It follows the ups and downs of Saul and David, and shows how Jesus brings everything together as the true king of all mankind.
Highlights from the Q and A:
- Who is Israel’s king?
- How did Israel come to have a human king?
- How did the king do what was evil in God’s sight?
- Who was the favored king of Israel?
- Who was the greatest king for God’s people?
5. Exile Cycle:
The Story of Renewal
This cycle zeroes in on the dark time of Israel’s exile, showing how and why God allowed them to be driven out of the land. Nonetheless, it rings with hope of renewal, as the promised Messiah is sure to come and make everything right.
Highlights from the Q and A:
- What is Israel’s blessing as
- Yahweh’s people?
- What happened when Israel abandoned their God?
- How did Yahweh punish Israel’s unfaithfulness?
- How could Israel ever be returned to Yahweh?
6. Jesus Cycle:
The Story of Salvation
Here we come to the climax. Jesus brings everything together. Every promise and every command of God is fulfilled in his life, death and resurrection. This is where the whole Bible comes together and we see Christ in all his glory.
Highlights from the Q and A:
- What does the Gospel mean for you and all things?
- Why is Jesus’ word better than the word given through Moses?
- Why did Jesus go away?
- What is the Church?